Thursday, November 14, 2019

Katarina's Facesit Orchestra (and Facesit Games)

I just started a thread on the MaleVsFemale forum with the following post.  I am re-posting the post here to save for posterity!

Last week, I had the pleasure of filming the first run of Domina Katarina's master plan of an idea: Her Facesit Orchestra!

This was something I filmed for her for her personal studio. We all had so much fun with this, that I wanted to share a bit of this with everyone here (with Katarina's permission, of course). It was a clever little facesit activity that made for a lovely evening in the mat room! This featured @theDommeKat @ursafierce and @lanaluxor

So, first off, Katarina herself made a follow-up vlog immediately afterwards, where she talked about the first run experience. Here's what Katarina had to say:

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"Hey guys. It is Thursday, November 7, and this is what I did today:

So, we had wrestling training today. It was really fun because there were a bunch of Doom Maidens there. It was Ursa and Lana, and then we had Pickles, you might have seen him in some videos, and Yogi. We had our subs there tonight! And El Nino was there, the one I did the mixed competitive match with. Trying to think who else... I don't know, I forget. If I forgot someone, I love you!

So, anyway, then, this is the really funny part, after training we did my masterpiece. My Facesit Orchestra. It was a funny idea that I had. So, we did Hot Cross Buns... because we were facesitting, and it's appropriate. But also, it has 3 notes. So, we did 3 faces and 3 dommes. We sat down. And every time we sat up, the subs were to sing a note. And, I guess I should have maybe auditioned them -- like a boy band -- first. Because, I mean... we had Joe, thank god for Joe, Joe was holding it down. Joe was the anchor. But... they just had a hard time getting it together. So, it was really funny. It was really funny. Diablo was laughing. He was like, we should have taped the entire thing, 'cause it was really funny.

But, yeah, so, we tuned them up, and they sang our Hot Cross Buns. And Ursa did this amazing thing with her tin whistle. I didn't even know she had a tin whistle or knew how to use it. She was fluting it up over there. Just crazy. So good. So, yeah, so that's what we did, and we got through it! I kind of want to try another one. Maybe 4 notes this time. I don't know, lofty goals. Yeah, we could tune them up, twist some nipples, tune them up, get on key, think of some punishments for when they mess up...

But, yeah, so that's what I did. Hope you guy had a great day!"

Above is text transcription of this vlog:

Katarina is on tour currently, but is also working on putting this Facesit Orchestra "Opening Act" video together for release (stay tuned for that). But in the meanwhile, here is a very quick pair of screen shots from the orchestral filming:


So, that was an intro to the lovely Facesit Orchestra, which, also to note, makes a splendid participatory party game, as we also discovered this past Monday at the mini session party (where @HanzVanDerKill gave it a whirl).

Some other Facesit party game ideas have been mentioned a fair bit by the Facesit-loving ladies here in NYC. They really do a good bit of thinking about sitting on faces. This is a little starter. More facesit game discussion to come!

And also feel free to add more comments and discussion about Facesitting games you have tried or would like to try, or anything you think about the Facesit Orchestra and beyond.