Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014. Thematic Pictures!

Happy Halloween!  Have a creepy evening, everyone!  Some thematically appropriate screen captures for extra festive spookiness. Thanks to Amazon Annie, Crazy Azy, VeVe Lane, and Candy Pain!


  1. Okay, I know its fake, but bald Veve is sexy as hell. Kind of makes me want to see a hair-vs-hair match, like the WWE/F use to do, though honestly I could never see myself stooping so low to ask a woman to shave her head unless she already planned to do it anyway :/

    1. Intriguing! But definitely tough to fulfill that one ;) But we may be able to bring the "temporary" bald effect back for future filming. We only tried it this once, but we'd be willing to give it a go again (and VeVe is now a little more experienced in putting that effect together)
